If your credit card is declined, you will most likely receive two emails from our system with at least one telling you the reason for the decline. Cards may be declined due to:
- Bank Declined Purchase
- Low Balance
- Incorrect Billing Zip
- Etc.
You can retry the charge on the same card at any point by:
1. Logging into your Admin Account at app.caroo.com
2. clicking into the "orders" tab
3. clicking the three dots next to the order
4. selecting retry
If you'd like to add a new payment method, start by:
1. going to your name in the right hand corner
2. selecting "billing & settings"
3. clicking into "billing"
4. adding a new card!
Need more help adding a new card? Check out our Adding a New Credit Card page!
Have more questions? Contact our care team at care@caroo.com!